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File handling

Moodle provides two ways to fetch and upload files:

  1. A set of web service functions; and
  2. A pair of dedicated endpoints.

Web service functions

You can use the following functions to upload, and fetch, file content:

  1. core_files_get_files(); and
  2. core_files_upload().

When using these functions, the file content is base64-encoded.


Many devices do not have enough memory to encode and decode requests containing large files. As such we recommend using the dedicated endpoints instead.

Dedicated endpoints

Moodle provides two dedicated endpoints which can be used, alongside the authentication token, to upload and fetch content. These are:

  • to upload a file: /webservice/upload.php; and
  • to fetch a file: /webservice/pluginfile.php.

File upload

The recommended way to upload file content from an external service is by issue a POST request to the /webservice/upload.php endpoint, passing in a valid web service token for authentication.

Upon successful upload, any files passed will be saved in the user's draft file area.

The endpoint takes two optional arguments:

  • An itemid to upload the files to, defaulting to 0. If none is specified then a new id is generated for the current user's draft file area
  • A filepath to store the file in, defaulting to /.

The endpoint will return a JSON-encoded summary of the uploaded file, including the itemid that it was stored in.


It is typical that the itemid parameter will be used when the files are uploaded singularly in separate HTTP calls and the files are required to be in the same draft file area.

The client retrieves the itemid from the first uploaded file and uses it in subsequent uploads.

This allows multiple files to be uploaded to the same draft file area.

On every successful upload, the file/s information are returned in JSON format. If an error occurs, an error message will be sent back in JSON format too.


To upload a file, users.csv, you could use curl as follows:

$ curl -X POST -F "file_1=@users.csv" https://SITENAME/webservice/upload.php?token=TOKEN \
| jq

"component": "user",
"contextid": 567,
"userid": "123",
"filearea": "draft",
"filename": "users.csv",
"filepath": "/",
"itemid": 880413555,
"license": "allrightsreserved",
"author": "User User",
"source": "O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:6:\"source\";s:13:\"users.csv\";}"

The returned JSON response includes the key parts of the file record, including the itemid.

Once all the files are uploaded, you can call a webserivce function to process the files from the user drafts area, passing in the itemid of the draft area containing the list of files for the request. The service can identify the uploads and manipulate them as necessary.

An example of a webservice that accepts files is: mod_assign_save_submission.

To accept file uploads, the service must allow "files download" (Administration > Plugins > Web services > Manage services > Edit service > Advanced button)

File download

We serve the files through /webservice/pluginfile.php. This script requires a web service token for authentication.

To support file downloads, the service must allow "files download".


The /webservice/pluginfile.php endpoint has the exact same structure as /pluginfile.php and /tokenpluginfile.php.

We don't serve the files through /pluginfile.php for web service clients because it requires the user's login session to work, however it is possible to use the /tokenpluginfile.php endpoint with an appropriate token.

Returning files in Web Services

Since Moodle 3.2, you can return a complete file area list via Web Services using the static get_area_files method, defined in external_util.

$forum->introfiles = external_util::get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_forum', 'intro', false, false);

You can also use the external_files structure definition in combination with the method to return the most common file fields required by WS clients.

public static function execute_returns(): external_multiple_structure {
return new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure([
'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Forum id'),
// ...
'introfiles' => new external_files('Files in the introduction text', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// ...

See also