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Version: 4.5

SMS gateway

SMS gateway plugins allow you to create SMS gateway providers. Providers are an interface between the SMS API and an external SMS provider (for example Amazon Web Services). This allows for the sending of SMS notifications to users from your Moodle instance.


You can set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)) in Moodle and choose 'AWS' as your SMS gateway provider.

This enables users to receive SMS notifications as part of the authentication process.

File structure

SMS gateway plugins are located in the /sms/gateway directory. A plugin should not include any custom files outside its own plugin folder.

Each plugin is placed in a separate subdirectory and consists of a number of mandatory files and any other files the developer is going to use. See the common plugin files documentation for other files which may be useful in your plugin.

The directory layout for the smsgateway plugin.
├── classes
│   ├── gateway.php
│   ├── hook_listener.php
│   └── privacy
│   └── provider.php
├── db
│ └── hooks.php
├── lang
│   └── en
│   └── smsgateway_example.php
├── settings.php
└── version.php

Key files

There are a number of key files within the SMS gateway plugin which will need to be configured for correct functionality.

  • gateway.php
  • hook_listener.php


Each plugin must create a class called gateway which extends the \core_sms\gateway class. The SMS API will use the extended methods from this class.

Implementing the base SMS gateway
namespace smsgateway_aws;

use smsgateway_aws\local\service\aws_sns;

class gateway extends \core_sms\gateway {
public function send(
message $message,
): message {
// Sample code to send an SMS message.
$config = (object) json_decode(
$class = $this->get_gateway_service($config);
$recipientnumber = manager::format_number(
phonenumber: $message->recipientnumber,
countrycode: isset($config->countrycode) ?? null,

$status = call_user_func(
[$class, 'send_sms_message'],

return $message->with(
status: $status,

private function get_gateway_service(\stdClass $config): string {
return match ($config->gateway) {
'aws_sns' => aws_sns::class,
default => throw new moodle_exception("Unknown Message Handler {$config->gateway}"),

public function get_send_priority(message $message): int {
return 50;


Hooks can be dispatched from the SMS API which the plugin can then listened to. It is necessary for plugins developers to assess these hooks and implement accordingly.


This hook will allow plugins to add required form fields to assist users in configuring their SMS gateway.

Listener method for after_sms_gateway_form_hook
public static function set_form_definition_for_aws_sms_gateway(after_sms_gateway_form_hook $hook): void {
if ($hook->plugin !== 'smsgateway_example') {

$gateways = [
'smsgateway_example' => get_string('list', 'smsgateway_example'),
get_string('gateway', 'smsgateway_example'),


For an example of a production plugin example, see the AWS SMS Gateway plugin.