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Version: 4.5


Moodle includes a powerful routing system based upon the Slim Framework, and FastRoute.

Routes are defined by creating classes within the route L2 namespace of a component, and associating methods with the \core\router\route attribute. Routes have a Route group identified by the L3 namespace, for example api. Unknown route groups are ignored.

The currently supported list of route groups are:

Route GroupNamespaceURI PrefixPurpose
APIapi/api/rest/v2REST Web Services

Routes may optionally describe additional metadata including:

  • path parameters
  • optional path parameters
  • header parameters
  • HTTP method types (GET, POST, and so on)
  • Responses
  • Examples

When invoked, any parameter to the route method will be resolved using a combination of Dependency Injection and resolution of path, query, and header parameters.

Using the route attribute

When applied to a method, the \core\router\route attribute will create a route. Class-level attributes can also be defined and are used to define a route prefix, and some defaults, but cannot handle a route directly.

The path will be combined with the URI prefix described by the route group (for example api has a prefix of /api/rest/v2), and the component (for example mod_example) to create a fully-qualified path.

Route groups are pre-defined by the Routing Subsystem and will provide a URI prefix, relevant Middleware, and some rules -- as an example the api route group has a route prefix of /api/rest/v2, and will apply a range of Route Middleware to configure CORS, perform Input and Output Sanitisation, normalise paths, and more.


Any unknown Route Group will be ignored.

In the following example, the namespace of the class has:

  • A Level 2 namespace of route; and
  • A Level 3 namespace of api.

This relates to the api route group giving it a path prefix of /api/rest/v2.

A simple route
// mod/example/classes/route/api/example.php
namespace mod_example\route\api;

use core\router\schema\response\payload_response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

class example {
// Resolves to
path: '/example',
public function example_route(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
ResponseInterface $response,
): ResponseInterface {
return new payload_response(
request: $request,
response: $response,
payload: [],