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Support channels

Moodle has a huge community with users and contributors across the globe. We recommend checking out your local Moodle Moot, MeetUp, or Moodle User Groups.

We also have a number of key forums, and chat rooms which we recommend you join.

Community forums

Moodle has a number of developer-related discussion forums hosted on, including:

  • the General developer forum - this is the best place for general developers queries, thoughts, ideas, and information. We'd recommend subscribing to this forum.
  • Integration exposed - after the weekly integration has completed, and the latest and greatest weekly release is rolled, the Integration team will usually give a brief update with key information. We'd strongly recommend subscribing to this forum.
  • Testing and QA - this forum is a great resource for getting help with all things testing.
  • Plugins traffic - this forum has occasional news and blog-like posts about Moodle plugin development.


Chats are a great way to interact with other Moodle developers on a daily basis and can help you to learn about the processes, upcoming features, and to provide feedback. We encourage you to take part in the conversation as much as possible.

The Official Moodle chats are hosted on our Federated Matrix server which everyone is welcome to join.

We have several chat rooms within the Moodle community space, including a space dedicated to Moodle development. The key development rooms are summarised here.

Developer chat

The Moodle Developer chat is the main channel for Moodle development.

Come and join us as in the room on Matrix.


This chat was previously hosted on Telegram. All message history has been migrated to Matrix, and our Matrix Bot keeps the two rooms in sync. If you'd prefer to stay with Telegram during the migration process, you can do so by joining the #moodledev channel.

The Telegram Matrix bot user

If you are using Telegram to access the Developer chat, you will notice the Matrix bot posts on behalf of many users.

Telegram prevents the bot from posting as another user, so all messages will come from Matrix bot with the name of the actual sender as part of the message.

At this time we still support taking part in the discussion in either channel.

Developer documentation chat

The Moodle Developer documentation is a really important resource for developers and it also has its own dedicated chat room on matrix.

Join us in the room on Matrix.

Chat policies and etiquette

The Developer channel is a space to teach, learn, and socialise with other Moodle developers. We do have a a few policies to keep thing on topic and we ask that you follow them.

Don't use the chat to get support for using Moodle

There are forums for that, or talk to a Moodle Partner

Be nice

Help us maintain a great developer community:

  • Be respectful to others' viewpoints.
  • Give and accept the constructive feedback and eventually criticism, too.
  • Be honest, but not offensive.

Speak English in the chat

Moodle is a global project with worldwide community and English - even on elementary level - works best for us.

Use your real name in the chat

Keep it consistent with your profile and Git commits.

Keep topics and discussions focused

Everything you post in the chat, hits several hundreds of other people instantly. Let us not disturb each other.

Avoid funny animated gifs, memes and stickers

There are better places online for sharing them.

Advertising is generally not allowed

The Moodle Developer chat is not an advertising space and we ask that you do not advertise there. Some exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. If in doubt, reach out to the room administrators before posting.