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Troubleshooting Moodle App Plugins Development

Plugin changes are not picked up in the app

Remember to go through the list of tips in the Seeing plugin changes in the app section.

Invalid response received

You might get this error when using the core-site-plugins-call-ws directive or similar.

By default, the app expects all Web Service calls to return an object. If your Web Service returns another type, you need to specify it using the preSets attribute in the directive.

For example, if your Web Service returns a boolean you should specify it like this:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws name="local_sample_submit" [preSets]="{ typeExpected: 'boolean' }">
{{ 'plugin.local_sample.submit' | translate }}

Similarly, if the Web Service returns null you need to tell the app not to expect any result using preSets:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws name="local_sample_submit" [preSets]="{ responseExpected: false }">
{{ 'plugin.local_sample.submit' | translate }}

I can't return an object or array in otherdata

If you try to return an object or an array in any field inside otherdata in content responses, the Web Service call will fail with the following error:

Scalar type expected, array or object received

Each field in otherdata must be a string, number or boolean; it cannot be an object or array. If you need to send complex values, you can use json_encode:

'otherdata' => ['data' => json_encode($data)],

The app will parse the string and it will be available as an array or object.