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Moodle Mobile 2.3 release notes

Release date: 8th October 2015

Complete list of issues for Moodle Mobile 2.3

New features

  • Forum - users can create new discussions and reply to existing ones
  • Choice - users can now delete responses

Both features require Moodle 3.0 or the Moodle App additional features plugin.

Option for adding new discussions

Option for adding new discussions

New discussion form

New discussion form

Option for posting a reply

Option for posting a reply

Post reply form

Post reply form


  • Date handling and formatting
  • Notifications for deleted sites are not shown
  • Scaling of large images and videos
  • Option to view scaled images at full size
  • Option to report errors in the background (configurable)


  • Site notes can no longer be viewed via the app

Complete list of issues


  • MOBILE-991 - Unable to authenticate
  • MOBILE-1025 - No sound on video
  • MOBILE-1152 - MM Does Not Present Multi-Authentication Window
  • MOBILE-1170 - Site notes cannot be seen from the app
  • MOBILE-1181 - iOS Phonegap Build: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: cordova
  • MOBILE-1219 - Not possible to create a new site using a browser
  • MOBILE-1225 - Moodle Mobile does not work with iOS9
  • MOBILE-1226 - Multi-lang in Mobile: show first option if no match found
  • MOBILE-1237 - Timeout triggered in siteExists
  • MOBILE-1239 - Error reported via the app: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined
  • MOBILE-1244 - Error when deleting site in browser: ReferenceError: device is not defined
  • MOBILE-1245 - Controllers instantiated twice with split view
  • MOBILE-1249 - Split view: component undefined if links are loaded fast
  • MOBILE-1250 - Teacher should be able to add discussions to any group
  • MOBILE-1251 - Single answer choices not working right on iOS9


  • MOBILE-1048 - Improve date handling and formatting
  • MOBILE-1138 - Handle big images and videos in the app
  • MOBILE-1151 - Offline mode if downloadfiles is disable on a site already stored
  • MOBILE-1176 - Remove SCRIPT tags in content passed to mmFormatText
  • MOBILE-1208 - Report errors from cordova, Ionic and ydn-db in background (configurable)
  • MOBILE-1227 - Push onto the FDroid repos
  • MOBILE-1229 - Display more sensible error when creating a site without network
  • MOBILE-1230 - Upgrade PhonegapBuild version to use latest Cordova versions
  • MOBILE-1232 - Don't show notifications if site is deleted
  • MOBILE-1233 - View scaled image at full size
  • MOBILE-1235 - Support default and gravatar profile images
  • MOBILE-1238 - Remove errorreport.js from index.html

New Feature
