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If a plugin wants to configure scheduled task, two items are required:

  • a class extending the \core\task\scheduled_task class; and
  • the db/tasks.php file containing its initial configuration.

The general format of the file is as follows:

$tasks = [
// First task configuration.
[ ... ],

// Second task configuration.
[ ... ],

Each task configuration entry has a number of possible properties, described below.

Task configuration entries



The classname contains the fully-qualified class name where the scheduled task is located.

$tasks = [
'classname' => 'mod_example\task\do_something',
// ...



Tasks can be configured to block the execution of all other tasks by setting the blocking property to a truthy value.


Whilst this feature is available its use is strongly discouraged and will not be accepted in Moodle core.

$tasks = [
'classname' => 'mod_example\task\do_something',
'blocking' => 1,
// ...

Date and time fields


The following date and time fields are available:

  • month
  • day
  • dayofweek
  • hour
  • month

Each of these fields accepts one, or more values, and the format for each field is described as:

<fieldlist> := <range>(/<step>)(,<fieldlist>)
<step> := int
<range> := <any>|<int>|<min-max>|<random>
<any> := *
<min-max> := int-int
<random> := R
Random values

A fixed random value can be selected by using a value of R. By specifying this option, a random day or time is chosen when the task is installed or updated. The same value will be used each time the task is scheduled.

If no value is specified then the following defaults are used:

  • Month: * (Every month)
  • Day: * (Every day)
  • Day of the week: * (Every day of the week)
  • Hour: * (Every hour)
  • Minute: * (Every minute)
Day and Day of the week

If either field is set to * then use the other field, otherwise the soonest value is used.


Run at a fixed time each day, randomised during installation of the task
$tasks = [
'classname' => 'mod_example\task\do_something',

// Every month.
'month' => '*',
// Every day.
'day' => '*',

// A fixed random hour and minute.
'hour' => 'R',
'month' => 'R',
Specifying multiple times in an hour
$tasks = [
'classname' => 'mod_example\task\do_something',

// At two intervals in the hour.
'minute' => '5, 35',

Disabled tasks

You can create a task that defaults to disabled by setting the field disabled to 1. Unless the administrator manually enables your task, it will not run.

This is useful if a task is only required in certain situations and shouldn't run on every server that has your plugin installed.